Our Mission
The All Saints’ athletics philosophy is rooted in the concept of education through athletics. Those engaging in athletics at All Saints’ will develop valuable skills to grow first as people, then as students, and finally as student athletes. We seek to create a culture that inspires, motivates, and challenges all participants to leave their environment in a better place than how they found it. Our athletics programs will work daily to create a performance environment that readies young people to excel to their God given ability. The lessons learned through athletic participation will supplement the areas All Saints’ embraces for all its students.
All Saints’ Athletics Areas of Focus:
Culture Development (The Culture): All Saints’ Athletics will work to create a culture of respect, ownership, and accountability among our teams and our athletes. The ability to compete, while also having fun, and learning the foundational skills of the sport that they participate in.
Character Development (The Person): All Saints’ Athletics will use the lessons learned through athletics involvement to teach student athletes life lessons on leadership, character development, and being a part of something greater than just one person.
Academic Development (The Student) : All Saints’ Athletics will place a premium on performance in the classroom. Student athletes will know that before the privilege of athletics participation can take place the work in the classroom must be up to the standard that All Saints’ demands.
Athletic Development (The Student-athlete): All Saints’ Athletics will provide its athletes with the tools necessary to become better both individually and as a team. Proper physical preparation, skill development, and team tactics will be just some of the areas the All Saints’ coaching staff will develop to give All Saints’ athletes the best chances possible for success.
Student-Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct
Sports are a great way to develop character in our young students. Sports allow students to show perseverance, self-motivation, and teamwork among a multitude of other attributes that allow the athlete to grow as an individual.
Each person (coach, player, official, parents/fans) plays a role in athletics. For our teams to have the greatest opportunities for success, these roles must be understood and respected. Players will play the game, coaches will coach the team, and parents will cheer. Understanding these roles and respecting everyone’s role in the process will allow for everyone to enjoy the athletic season.
As a school, we expect our students to behave in a certain way both at school and at extra-curricular activities. We expect good sportsmanship, fair play, and a positive atmosphere to ensure that the sporting event is an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. We have high expectations of our student-athletes regarding behavior. We expect our parents and fans to adhere to those same expectations at all sporting events.
Our expectations are as follows:
1. Support all student-athletes’ efforts and successes.
2. Work to promote a positive environment for all in attendance.
3. Treat all members of the contests (coaches, players, fans, officials) with courtesy and respect.
4. Assure that your student-athlete will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests.
5. Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests. Enjoy watching a moment in your child’s life that cannot be recaptured.
Thank you for supporting the All Saints’ Athletic Programs. We enjoy having parents and fans at all our contests and want to keep the tradition of excellence strong here at All Saints’. Parents play a vital role in establishing this excellence and we appreciate your help in setting a strong example for our student-athletes.