Academic Support
All Saints' is dedicated to providing an exceptional and holistic educational experience for its students, fostering their development in every aspect. Central to this mission is equipping students with the essential tools for success not only within the classroom but also as they progress to college and beyond. While All Saints' maintains rigorous admission standards and expects teachers to adapt their instruction to cater to individual student needs, it's recognized that even the most talented students may require specialized academic support or assistance with executive functioning skills.
Academic support at All Saints' is characterized by personalized, one-on-one instruction, tailored to each student's unique requirements. This support encompasses:
Specific Instruction: Offering targeted guidance in fundamental areas such as reading, mathematics, and writing skills.
General Curriculum Support: Providing assistance with navigating the standard curriculum to ensure comprehension and progress.
Global Skills Development: Cultivating crucial skills like study techniques, test-taking strategies, and organization methods.
Dedicated academic support teachers operate in separate classrooms, offering personalized assistance during the school day. The scheduling of these sessions is a collaborative effort between the academic support teacher and the classroom teacher. It's important to note that this specialized service is offered in addition to standard tuition fees and is available to students who meet the necessary criteria.
Identification for the Academic Support program occurs through various means, including admissions testing, existing IEPs/504 plans, comprehensive psychoeducational assessments, or recommendations from the school. In some cases, parents may be requested to complete a full psychoeducational evaluation to determine specific diagnoses, enabling the Academic Support team to create a tailored plan that adequately addresses individual needs.
This program serves as a valuable resource for students facing academic challenges, providing them with individualized attention and support to meet them at their current level of learning and guide them towards progress. The ultimate goal is for students to exit the program once they have developed the skills necessary for success.
All Saints' support services and resources are designed to cater to a wide range of diagnoses, including but not limited to ADD, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Processing Disorders, and Speech Delays. The school's commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment ensures that all students have the opportunity to thrive academically and personally.