Metric Olympics Reminder

Metric Olympics Tomorrow

Join Us for the Metric Olympics Tomorrow

Volunteer Instructions

2K-5K Event Schedule

1st-6th Event Schedule

We are excited about Metric Olympics tomorrow, Friday, May 3rd!  Please remind your students that our #1 priority for Metric Olympics is for everyone to practice good sportsmanship and to have fun! Please drop your students off normally (or a little early for those volunteering); please make sure to send your students in their Metric Olympics or All Saints t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes (apply sunscreen and send a water bottle). All students will come with their class out to the Front Lawn and will stand inside the roped off events for Opening Ceremonies (all guests please stand inside the roped off events area) that will begin promptly at 8:15am. We are happy to have Claire Copeland with us to help light the torch for our two torch bearers to run down the middle of the 50 Yard Dash lane and around the outside of the events area. At the conclusion of opening ceremonies, all students will report to their first event. 


  • 2K, 3K, 4K & 5K Students should finish their events around 10:00am; All K students and parents are invited to meet in the Pavilion for teachers to get them a popsicle and hand out their ribbons (K get participation ribbons- they are not scored)

  • See attached for Map of Events and Schedule of each Grade’s events; All events are on the Front Lawn, with the exceptions of: Tricycle Race (around median in front of Admin building); Shot Put & Standing Broad Jump are on the big playground

  • 1st & 2nd Grade will participate in the Sponge Relay as their last event (10:15am), then move to the interior with their class on the Front Lawn to watch the 440 Relay.

  • 3rd-6th Grade will participate in the 440 Relay as their last event (the last event of Metric Olympics); all students to sit with their class in the interior on the Front Lawn.

  • Awards Ceremony will take place in the Gym (11am); Students will sit with their grade so the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons can be given out efficiently. Our photographer will be on-site to take photos throughout the day; in an effort to move the awards along the photographer will be taking the photos of the winning students for each event and parents are invited to take additional photos after the Award Ceremony concludes.


All volunteers are asked to meet at the event you sign-up to help with by 7:45am (Lead Volunteers for each event please pick-up your event packet from Courtney at the Scoring Tent).

We still need some volunteers for a few events, please see the link below to sign-up!

Volunteer for Metric Olympics!

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June 29th - May 3rd Update & Look Ahead


Saintly Scoop: A Salute to South Carolina